Just grateful…

Earlier in the year (2021) my father in CT texted me a random clip of audio. It was the conversation I was having with him about a week before I left CT for a 9 day, cross-country road trip that would eventually end in Los Angeles, my new home. In the short clip I told him of all the stops I planned to make along the way: DC, Knoxville, Nashville, Oklahoma City, Albuquerque, Flagstaff and of course LA. That conversation between my father and I happened a little over 8 years ago. Wow. My landing date in Los Angeles was November 19th, 2013.

I am obviously someone that is creative. I of course aspire to do and be more creatively and professionally. In Los Angeles, there is always the question or idea floating in the air of “making it.” I think about “making it” all the time. Have I “made it?” Not to my standards or fullness of my visions, no. But as I’ve been in this city for 8 years, I find myself more and more grateful for what I have done and accomplished. I love the people I have met, the friends I’ve made: some that qualify as people who have “made it,” others who aren’t creative at all and could care less about being in the spotlight.

Living in Los Angeles has been a journey that is about much more than just my creative life; it’s been about my soul and a deep transformation. I am a believer. I worship God. I follow Jesus. [ I hate having to write it, but I always say I’m a “blue Christian,” or a “liberal Christian.” I’m not the type to go around condemning others in the name of what I believe. It’s not my place to do so. As far as I understand the scriptures, it’s my job and purpose to love you and everyone as much as I possibly can. ] I bring up my faith because deciding to move to Los Angeles is one of the biggest moments my relationship with God has ever encountered. What gesture can signify trust and belief in God greater than completely leaving your comfort zone, your friends and family, to place your soul somewhere new, not having any real knowledge if it would work or not?

As I passed the eight year mark of living in Los Angeles, this year, I find myself…just grateful. The photograph above is from the bridge on Broadway, heading east away from downtown Los Angeles. I see this view often now, because as of August of 2021, I lease a small studio space very near to where this photograph was taken, in the Mission Junction district. What a great new place and space to have in my life. I like to take a self portrait for my “LA anniversaries” and this location, while wearing the first Dodgers hat I ever bought, felt like the right look. Thanks if you took the time to read this, and I hope you are living a life full of hope and joy, one where you take some chances now and then.

more looks…

For fun, here are some of the set up shots or other poses that came from this quick sunrise self portrait shoot. I love being that guy in public with a tripod and my camera, walking back and forth, figuring out the angle. I also enjoy being a model that takes myself way too seriously:

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