Mallury Patrick Pollard


Family dinner w/ jodie sweetin

You remember her classic sitcom. You should also know about her comedy show in LA…

eddie + Santa Monica

Airborne in pink. Never a dull moment with my friend, the great comedian…

Abstract Paintings

A new form of exploration. Super cathartic.



The Black Portraits

An ongoing photography project aimed at sharing the stories and testimonies of the Black community of Los Angeles, CA.



I’m Mallury, and I’ve always had a bug to be creative. My first passion was Architecture, and I graduated from the University of Tennessee Knoxville with a B. Arch in 2007. After working in Hospitality for a couple of years, I picked up a Nikon D90 in 2009 and just started shooting.

I’ve enjoyed all the places and faces and great opportunities over many years. I’ve enjoyed shooting photography, both here, and for personal fun abroad. In 2022, I started recording a podcast, and doing some writing and painting. My creativity is expanding - I’m grateful, and excited to see what the future holds.

I still love to shoot small events and a few portraits from time to time. Please reach out, through the contact form below, I’d be happy to work with you and capture that next moment or vision with you.

